Monday, March 31, 2014

Memory Forensics the Linux Way

Now that we have grabbed a memory dump from a Windows system and used Volatility to extract critical information that would otherwise have been lost if the system had simply been powered down, we should take a look at how to do the same thing in Linux. If you are familiar with Linux, you may recognize that we have one utility already in hand that can do an extraction for us. However, if you have a modern version of the Linux kernel (operating system), we have an issue. Before we get into the problem, we should talk about how we might get access to memory. 

In Linux, every device is easily accessible through the /dev filesystem, which is a pseudo-filesystem populated by the operating system while it’s running. The operating system creates an entry in the /dev tree as a result of device drivers that are either built into the kernel or built as a module that can be loaded and unloaded in the running kernel. Getting access to memory is not different from accessing other devices. In Linux, the memory device is found at /dev/mem and we could use dd to extract data from that device, just as we would with a disk device like /dev/sda. However, in order to protect the memory space, the Linux developers have restricted what we can do to the mem device. One of the reasons is that it’s very easy to really mess up your system. All you’d have to do would be to execute dd if=/dev/urandom of=/dev/mem and you’d quickly have a system that was no longer operational. You can see what happens when we try to get a dump of /dev/mem using dd. 

kilroy@quiche:~$ sudo dd if=/dev/mem of=mem.dump

dd: reading ‘/dev/mem’: Operation not permitted

2048+0 records in

2048+0 records out

1048576 bytes (1.0 MB) copied, 0.0109432 s, 95.8 MB/s


Linux says operation is not permitted and all we get is 1M out of a system that has 2G of memory in it. We need another approach. Fortunately, there are a couple of kernel modules we can get that will give us access to the memory we want. The first one is a simple replacement for mem, without the restrictions that the mem device has. fmem is a kernel module that works well for forensic purposes and it works just like you’d expect it to. Before we can use it, though, we have to get it installed. Below, I have the source code that I have built and I run make install as a superuser to get the module loaded into the kernel. I could have also used insmod. 

kilroy@quiche:~/Downloads/fmem_1.6-1$ sudo make install


Module: insmod fmem.ko a1=0xc1058800 : OK

Device: /dev/fmem

----Memory areas: -----

reg00: base=0x000000000 (    0MB), size= 2048MB, count=1: write-back

reg01: base=0x0b0000000 ( 2816MB), size=    2MB, count=1: write-combining


!!! Don't forget add "count=" to dd !!!


Now we have the module loaded, we can use dd to extract memory and just refer it to the /dev/fmem device. I could set a count on it if I wanted to restrict the amount of memory I get but if I want to get all of memory, I don’t want to use a count. I do, though, set a block size to be higher than the typical block size. This should help dd go faster since it’s reading larger chunks and as a result, does fewer reads. Below, you can see what the process looks like. To extract 2G of memory took a little over 6 seconds, as you can see from the output. 

kilroy@quiche:~$ sudo dd if=/dev/fmem of=linux.dd bs=1M

dd: reading ‘/dev/fmem’: Bad address

2047+0 records in

2047+0 records out

2146435072 bytes (2.1 GB) copied, 6.39649 s, 336 MB/s


fmem is just one possibility. Another possibility is Lime, which can be used for memory extraction from Linux. One of the interesting capabilities of Lime is the ability to capture memory over a network. Lime will startup a server on the target host and when you connect to that server, you will get a stream of the contents of memory. Before we get there, though, we have to build the source tree. While I haven’t mentioned this before, building a Linux kernel module requires a lot of extra packages including the Linux headers. This isn’t something you probably want to do on a system that you are trying to get a forensic image of since you’ll be adding a lot of files and packages just to get this one kernel module installed. Linux kernel modules are not always easy to port from one system to another. For instance, after creating the Lime module, I copied it over to another system and tried to install it without success. Building a portable kernel module is a topic for another day, however. Once we have the module built, we have to install it. Lime installation, unlike fmem, requires parameters so you can indicate how you want to acquire the image. In this case, we’re just going to write it out to disk. 

kilroy@quiche:~/lime/src$ sudo insmod lime-3.11.0-12-generic.ko "path=lime.dump format=lime"

kilroy@quiche:~/lime/src$ ls -la lime.dump

-r--r--r-- 1 root root 2147019840 Mar 31 08:52 lime.dump


If I wanted to open up a network listener so I could use netcat to get the image, I would change the parameter to path=tcp:4500. Using netcat, I could then use nc 4500 > lime.dump to get the image out. This can be very convenient if you don’t have enough disk space on the target or if you want to leave the disk as it is as much as possible. Once we have the image, we can use Volatility on it, right? Well, not necessarily. We have to create a profile for Volatility. I’ll take that up as a separate topic along with using Volatility on a Linux memory dump. Stay tuned for that. 

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