Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Password Policies

While this has been in process for a while and the guidance has been out for a while, the guidance NIST published in June related to identity management seemed long overdue. For me, this came to a head a few years ago with a client I was working with. They had the then-recommended (best practice to the rescue again) password policies in place. Strong passwords — letters, numbers, different cases, symbols, appropriate length. Passwords rotated every 30 days. No repeat password before 12 passwords had been reused. At least 7 days between password changes. Strong password policy, right? What I told them at the time was they were begging their users to write their passwords down just to keep track of their current one. That, of course, entirely defeated the purpose of the password policy to begin with.

What was even worse was that the administrators and management of the company I was working with had no idea what the purpose of the password policy was to begin with. What exactly is the purpose of rotating passwords and making sure they are incredibly complex? For a start, you make the complex so they can’t be guessed. Unfortunately, with so much horsepower readily available and with rainbow tables so easy to get hold of, even complex passwords that are 8 characters (a common minimum) may be easily cracked by a determined attacker. That’s why you have complex passwords — to make sure they can’t be guessed or determined in a brute force attack. Since it’s possible to crack them anyway, that idea is a bit behind the time.

The reason for rotating them is based on an assumption that someone is getting in using the password. If you rotate the password on a regular basis, you limit the amount of time that an attacker can stay in your system. The assumption also was that with a regular rotation scheme and lower horsepower systems, it could take as long as the rotation time to crack the password. Ultimately, it was about limiting potential access using the password. The reality is that attacks and access are far more likely to take place using social engineering attacks or other ways of gaining access without needing the password.

One of the reasons for writing this up was reading Bruce Schneier’s Crypto-Gram e-mail from this month. He quite rightly points out that the idea of password policy stemmed from attempts to try to fix the users rather than trying to actually resolve the problems that existed. As a result, we as information security professionals have spent a lot of time trying to enforce and detect lapses in security policy compliance.

This is yet another example, to me, of the solution coming before the problem. Without really understanding where the threats were (what the problem was), there was a drive to implement password policies. Worse than that, when businesses implemented strong password policies, they felt they were protected against attack. The reality is that they were left exposed because they had no idea what problem they were trying to solve and they spent time implementing and enforcing password policies rather than truly understanding where their threats and exposures were.

This is a soapbox I get on a lot. It is absolutely essential that time is spent defining and understand the problem to be solved in order to make sure that when a solution is arrived at, it is the right solution and not a red herring that makes people feel like they’ve done something.

Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Chasing Data Using Sleuth Kit

Working on a new set of videos for O'Reilly Media -- basically updating one of the first video titles from back when it was Infinite Skills. In the process, I had to refresh my memory on a number of things. One of them was using The Sleuth Kit tools to run through a disk image to locate the contents of a file. Sure, you could just pop it open in a browser using some commercial tool but where's the fun in that? Autopsy you say? Yeah, but ultimately, Autopsy uses The Sleuth Kit tools to begin with even if you don't see it. Why not just learn what it is that Autopsy does so you can be ahead of the game? Having said that, let's step through how you might go about this.

We're going to be working with a disk image taken from a Linux system and the partition on the disk was formatted with ext4. However, the same steps will work for a Windows disk, particularly if the partition was formatted with NTFS. Since we have a disk image and not a partition image, the first thing we need to do is determine where the partition actually starts. In order to do that, we are going to use the program mmls, which lists all of the partitions in a disk or disk image. We could also use fdisk -l to do essentially the same thing.

What we discover here is that the partition we are looking for starts at byte 2048. The other Sleuth Kit tools we will be using will need to be told what offset to start at because they are really looking for the start of the partition in order to parse the data structures that begin there. Once we know where the partition starts, we can get a list of the files that are in the partition. For this, I'm just going to get a list of active files and not worry about doing a recursive listing down through all the directories (adding a -r). We also aren't going to deleted files (adding a -d). For our purposes, it doesn't much matter whether we have those or not. We are going to use fls and we need to add a -o 2048 to indicate that the offset to where the partition starts is 2048 bytes.

We now have a listing of the small number of files that are in the root directory of this partition. What we get from this listing is whether the entry is a directory (d/d) or a regular file (r/r). The second column is the inode where the metadata for the file is located. The metadata for the file not only includes date information but also, more importantly, the data blocks that belong to the file. Those data blocks are where can get access to the contents of the file. In order to get the data blocks, we are going to use the program istat. This will give us all of the information that the inode has related to the file. Keep in mind that while you think about the file in the context of the filename, on a UFS-based system (ext inherits a lot from UFS, the UNIX File System that goes back to the 70s and 80s with BSD, the Berkeley Systems Distribution), a file is just a collection of related data blocks. We could have multiple filenames that all point to the same "file" on the disk.

Running istat, we provide the offset to the start of the partition, just as we did with fls. Additionally, we provide the image that we are searching and also the inode that we want to interrogate. You can see the results of this below.

Among other things, we can see that the inode has been allocated. It's not free space because it refers to a file. You can see the date and time information. You can also see the permissions that are associated with the file. Additionally, as I mentioned above, different filenames can point to the same set of data blocks (the same inode). The "num of links" entry indicates the number of filenames that point to this inode, and by extension, the data that the inode points to. This is where the "Direct Blocks" entry is important. The direct blocks tells us where to get the contents of the file. For this, we use the blkcat command.

Again, we have to provide the offset because blkcat expects to start with the beginning of the partition, as fls and istat do. We provide the image name then the block number where the data is located. This is followed in this case by the number of blocks we want to extract. By default, we only pull one but since all of the blocks for the file are consecutive, we can pull all of them at once. Beneath that, you can see the contents of the file.

While it's several steps, using mmls to get the partition start, fls to get a listing of files, istat to get the data block address and finally blkcat to extract the file contents, it does help to highlight how the filesystem is put together. Being able to follow this chain, no matter the file or the filesystem, will help with the understanding of the workings of a filesystem such that no matter what tool you are using, you know the process.

Thursday, January 26, 2017

Password Management

Recently, there was a piece on password managers on The Today Show on NBC. The tech guy was blazing through a number of apps for phones since he has such a short period of time to cover what is apparently a lot of ground. Normally, I would have ignored such a presentation. It is generally just so much fluff, after all, relegated to the third or even fourth half hour of a morning newstainment program. Anything even remotely non-fluffy happens in at least the first hour and if it’s actually grounded in reality and based on actual, topical events, it’s in the first half hour. Here we have a short piece that’s essentially lifestyle in nature. No big deal, right? However, there was a big red flag for me that was just inaccurate that needed to be addressed.

The presenter, who shall remain nameless so I don’t besmirch his knowledge or character here, told Matt Lauer that password managers are great so you have all of your passwords (because we all use a different password for every login and Web page we use, right?) in one place. This means you don’t forget them. All you need to do is be able to get into the password manager. Here’s the rub, though. Because you have very helpfully collected them all in one place, you have made it considerably easier for an attacker. All the attacker needs to do is get into your password manager.

Not so fast, you say, as said the aforementioned presenter. You have been informed that the very strongest of encryption is in use within this password manager, making it impregnable. This is the delusion and misunderstanding when it comes to encryption. Encryption is only helpful if someone comes across a file or a disk by itself that has been encrypted. If you run across a stray disk that has been encrypted using something like the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) with a very large key, say 256 bits, you are going to have a very hard time getting into the drive, unless the key has been somehow attached to the drive. And this is where we have a problem with devices and files that have been encrypted.

In essence, the key is stored with the encrypted data. All someone needs to do is gain access to the password manager using your credentials and the data is unlocked. Just as it would be for you, because the app has no idea it’s not you. Password managers that use a single password, regardless of how strong it is, are vulnerable to attack because all someone needs to do is get that one password and they have your entire cache of passwords. That’s it. It doesn’t matter whether then underlying file is encrypted. Or even if each individual password is encrypted. The passwords will need to be presented to you in the clear if they are to be of any value so if you can authenticate to the password manager, so can the attacker.

Aha, you say! You use your fingerprint. Biometrics to the rescue. The problem with that particular theory is that while your fingerprint may be yours and yours alone, your fingerprint can be acquired. And used against you. Fake fingerprints can be used to fool fingerprint scanners on mobile devices and frankly most any device looking for your fingerprint. You use your fingerprint to get into your password manager but you leave your fingerprints all over the place. It’s not that challenging to acquire your fingerprint and if an attacker can get your phone — either because you left it on your desk while you stepped out of your office for a moment or because they simply stole it from your pocket or purse — they can get access to your passwords from your password manager.

This is not to say that you shouldn’t use a password manager. A determined attacker is probably going to find a way to get your passwords. If it’s not you, it will be someone else and they may get your password by gaining access to a system by way of that someone else. However, if someone gains clear text access to your passwords, it won’t matter a bit how strong they are. You can use a 32-character passphrase with upper and lower case, numbers and symbols. If it’s stored in your password manager and an attacker gets access to your password manager, strength of password doesn’t matter.

If your password manager stores your passwords on an Internet-based storage medium (sometimes called “in the cloud,” though the term is misleading to say the least), there is now a second way an attacker can get access to your data. This is especially true if there is a Web portal for you to look at your passwords or pull them down to use in Web forms through your browser. Now your fingerprint is no longer in play. It’s just down to that username and password combination.

Ideally, sites you visit regularly that store data you actually care about (aside from the throwaway e-mail address you use to log into sites you don’t much care about, for instance) would support two-factor authentication. This means a username and password (something you know) as well as either a soft token (Google Authenticator, Facebook Code Generator) or a text message to your cell phone (something you have). These two factors together can help protect your login access by requiring the attacker to both know your password and either have your phone or be able to intercept data like a text message.

Being aware of the potential challenges of various applications can help you make informed decisions. If you don’t understand what you are signing up for, you are not engaged in informed consent and you certainly are not engaged in managing the risk.