Since I’m in the middle of trying to get a title completed on Python scripting for security professionals for Infinite Skills, I’ve been doing a lot of writing little scripts that do interesting things. So, in order to dump my head and also get something somewhat recent and potentially interesting up here, I thought I’d write up one of those scripts here. This could be a useful foundation for someone who wanted to do a little security testing using Python scripts. It is also useful for forensics professionals since you may want to write custom tools that are capable of parsing data in a way that makes sense to you rather than relying on tools that represent data in a way that made sense to someone else. Being able to parse simple data structures, for example, is a very useful skill for both network programming and also forensics programming. One case where there was a lot of parsing to do that came up both in terms of the video training I am doing but also in the next book I am writing is dealing with the information in the master boot record, including the partition table.
So, let’s take a look at a program that I threw together to do some quick parsing of the partition table in a master boot record.
# (c) 2014, WasHere Consulting, Inc
import struct
f = open("mbr.dd", "rb")
mbr = bytearray()
mbr =
x = struct.unpack("<i", mbr[0x1B8:0x1BC])
print("Disk signature: ", x[0])
x = mbr[0x1BE]
if x == 0x80:
print("Active flag: Active")
print("Active flag: Not active")
lbastart = struct.unpack("<i", mbr[0x1C6:0x1CA])
print("Partition Start (LBA): ", lbastart[0])
lbaend = struct.unpack("<i", mbr[0x1C9:0x1CD])
print("Partition End (LBA): ", lbaend[0])
For the purposes of this program, I have grabbed an image of the master boot record so I can get to the partition table. I did this by using the UNIX/Linux utility dd. You simply grab the first 512 byte block with dd if=/dev/sdb of=mbr.dd bs=512 count=1 and you end up with an image of the master boot record you can use various tools with. So, the program opens up the disk image called mbr.dd as a binary file then creates a byte array to store all of the bytes from that disk image into. Once I have a byte array, called mbr, I can start to pull the bytes out that I want as long as I know where the offsets are.
Something to keep in mind, though, is that the master boot record is stored as little endian so if I have a file with an image or copy of that master boot record, all of the multi-byte values are going to be backwards. We need to use struct.unpack to get the bytes out and in the correct order. So, we tell struct.unpack that we have a little endian integer with the parameter <i and then we have to provide a range of bytes out of the byte array that struct.unpack should use to create that integer out of. The thing to keep in mind when you are providing a range is that the top end is not inclusive. For the disk signature, I am grabbing bytes 1B8, 1B9, 1BA, 1BB. Even though the last byte in the range indicated in the program is 1BC, we don’t get that last byte because it’s not included based on the Python syntax.
Once we have the basics of pulling data out of the byte array, the rest is trivial. I can grab the single byte indicating whether a partition is active (bootable) or not and then compare that value with what I know about that flag. If it’s 0x80, I know the partition is active. If it’s not, then it’s not active so I can print out the results based on that byte. I can also get the starting logical block address and the ending logical block address by grabbing the bytes from my byte array and converting them into integers, again using the struct.unpack method.
This is a simple technique that can then be applied to other binary data structures. Whether that data structure is the rest of the master boot record or if it’s the BIOS parameter block or the structures associated with a GUID Partition Table disk.